
Access to 5,900+ government and corporate bonds from around the world

What are Bonds

Bonds or Fixed Income are a form of debt issues by a company or sovereign nation. When we buy bonds, we have a legal right to receive income for owning them. Bond prices typically do not fluctuate as much as stocks and are therefore considered as more “conversative” investments versus buying stocks.

Commission Rates

Online Tradeable Bonds Rookie
SGD 19,999 and below
SGD 20,000 – 50,000
Hall of Fame
SGD 50,001 and above
United States Government/ Corporate Bonds 0.25% (min. EUR 80)
0.25% (min. EUR 80)
0.25% (min. EUR 80)
European Government/ Corporate Bonds
Emerging Markets Bonds

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Why trade with ProsperUs?

Diverse Bond Research and User-Friendly Trusted broker Offerings

Research and User-Friendly Trusted broker Offerings Analysis Tools

User-Friendly Trusted broker Offerings Analysis Tools Platform

Trusted broker Offerings Analysis Tools Platform regulated by MAS